The name is Derek, and like most stories, My friend wanted me to start this and it only took me forever to finally do it. This is just a way for people to keep up with the Ramos family.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Phantom of the Opera
Just a quick note if you ever get the chance to go see the Broadway play Phantom of the Opera go and do it. It was great a little something for everyone some comedy, romance and action. A dark play kinda of like Batman that was done by Tim Burton. It was an exceptional play to go and see.
phantom of the opera came to texas? or did i miss you mention a vacation to the NYC? either way you're gay for enjoying a play about a queer who wears a mask. why don't you blog more.....ditto on dave's comment too.
Emily and Derek grew up in Seattle Wa. We were married in 2001 and a couple of years later our daughter Annabella was born. She was so much fun we had to have another and that is when Marcus was born. We have lived in many places as we were figuring out what to do with our lives. Today we reside in San Antonio Tx because Derek is in the Air Force.
Wow Felipe, you are a blogging pro. Don't you wish you would have started long ago like I told you.
phantom of the opera came to texas? or did i miss you mention a vacation to the NYC? either way you're gay for enjoying a play about a queer who wears a mask. why don't you blog more.....ditto on dave's comment too.
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